Becker’s, among multiple sources, report growing financial stress across hospitals as the effects of the pandemic continue to redefine our delivery system. One of the clearest symptoms from the new normal is growing imbalance in the labor spend/costs from multiple directions: shift imbalances, skill mix, balance between cost centers, changes from inpatient to outpatient services, […]
Prioritizing Cost Savings before Improving Operations is Putting the Cart Before the Horse
Do you want to improve labor productivity and expense? Start by improving operations… and the savings will follow. Focusing on savings before operational improvement often leads to the opposite! Healthcare is about people taking care of people. The latest technology and machines don’t care for patients; people do! We may use technology and other tools […]
PERFECTSHIFT Recognized with Top 50 Healthcare Company Award
PERFECTSHIFT is a proud recipient of the IFAH Top 50 Healthcare Companies Award in recognition of Contribution to Healthcare! PERFECTSHIFT President Kevin Spellman was in attendance to accept the award at the IFAH Global Healthcare Conference, June 2021. “I was thrilled and honored to accept this award on behalf of PERFECTSHIFT for being recognized as […]
Wisdom and Understanding
Here’s a quick thought for your day. —— Data + Analytics = Understanding Knowledge + Discernment = Wisdom —— We’ve created PERFECTSHIFT to help reveal truth through data to those who seek better understanding. Would you like to know more? Email us today at
Standardizing Processes for Optimal Workforce Management
Operationally, hospitals are incredibly complex and comprised of dozens of departments performing life-sustaining services that demand timely, inter-departmental coordination of care. While each department needs its own standardized internal work processes to function optimally, there are also key processes that all departments must perform. These functional processes are repeated on regular frequencies and – in […]